Rule of 15

Opening 4th in hand poses no special problems or does it? You would open 1NT with 12-14 as usual, but what happens if you hold a minimal hand? The rule of 20 gives guidance on whether the hand is suitable to open a suit at the one level, but does not take into account that the opposition might bid.

The guidance rule of 15 is used when you are deciding whether to open 1 of a suit, after three passes

The rule states " add together the number of points + the length in spades." If the result is 15 or more , open the hand. This is on the basis that you are often overcalled with spades at the 1 level and may surrender the contract.

Examples. 4th in hand you hold

95 K8 AQ763 QJ62 . 12 high card points but only two spades. Pass. You would open 1 in the first three positions.. Partner is likely to hold around 9 pts, but an overcall of 1 may give the opponents a contract.

K53 8 AQ763 QJ62. 12 high card points but now you are less concerned by a spade overcall so open 1

953 8 AKQ76 QJ62. Again the rule of 15 suggests opening 1

Of course if you hold a strong hand you will open as normal, the rule of 15 gives guidance for weak hands in the 4th position

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