The Rule of 14

This guidance rule can be used to see whether you can respomd at the two level (for those playing basic Acol)

Partner has open one of a suit, and there is no opposition bidding

1. If you have a suit that you can respond at the 1 level always do so. Support you partner's suit when ever you can. Any 4 card suit is biddable at the 1 level.

2. If your hand has 8-9 pts, and you cannot bid at the 1level, or support partner's suit, you have the choice of bidding 1NT or at the two level. With 6-7 pts 1NT is the only choice

3. The Rule of 14: Add together the number opf points held + the length in the suit. If the sum is less than 14, bid 1NT. If the sum is equal or greater than 14 consider bidding at the two level

4. Remember that a 1NT response is a "dustbin " bid and may contain hands totally unsuitable for playing in 1NT

Examples of rule of 14.

Partner opens 1 and you hold 96 AQ76 K852 762. Applying the rule of 14,Pts= 9, longest suit 4 so sum = 13, so bit 1NT

Change the holding to: 9 AQ763 K952 762, then the sum =14 so you are just good enough to respond 2. However with a singleton , prudence might suggest a 1NT response. Change the hand to 963 AQ763 K952 7 then you are definitely good enough to bid 2

Those who play a two-over-one system are likely to have higher values for the 1NT response

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