playhand 1

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
8 4
A Q 7 6 3
A Q J 10 9
Q 10 9
5 2
4 2
Q J 10 6 5 3
J 2
K J 10 4
8 7 6 5 3
K 9
A K 7 6 5 3
9 8
8 7 4 2

The contract is 6 by South

You have potential losers s and s as well as a definte loser in the trump suit

How do you succeed on a lead of Q and (2) on a lead of 5

Om the lead of a the immediate problem is to avoid a loser. Win with the Ace and play A then Q and dump the losing from hand. Play 3 rounds of trumps, which West will win. Now you can win any return and cross to dummy with A , and use your 3 winning s to discard the 3 losing s from hand

The Q lead is muich trickier, and the solution is very neat. You have to lose 1 trump trick so do it immediately , by playing 4 from dummy and letting opponents win. If they continue with a , ruff in dummy, cross to hand via K , draw the trumps and cross to dummy with a to the A. The 4 winning s can be used to discard 8+ 3 losing s

Do temember in this hand AKQJ10 of s all have same real value

Slam made