Playhand 43

K J 10
9 8 6 4 2
6 4 3 2
A Q 10 7 3
A 9 7 6 3 2

The bidding was lively. S opened 1, overcalled by W 2 ♣ and N passes. E raises partner's ♣s to 3 level, and S feeling bold with this magnificent two-suiter, bids 3 ♠. After W bids 4♣, N bids 4 , (suit preference) which became the contract.

Declarer went down after W led A, but you can do better so plan the play

There are several options, finessing both major suits is one. However because neuther E or W bid s when they could have done after S had opened. it is likely that s break 4-3 , and that is 62%. So the play is: ruff the ♣ lead , A and 3 ruffing in dummy, back to hand with a ruff, 7 ruffed in dummy and play K and lead 2, and play K which loses to the A. Ruff the return, play A and you now have a loser as the Q does not drop.. If the K falls on the 3rd round of s, you make 11 tricks and if not you still make 10 tricks and the contract (losing only Q, a and A)