Playhand 42

J 6 5 3
A K 7 6 5 4
9 4 2
Q 4
A K Q J 10 7 4
10 9 8

  East opens the bidding 3, which not surprisingly South overcalls 4, West bids 5, and North and East pass, whereupon South bids 5, and all pass.

W leads A which all follow then K to which E discards a . S ruffs and plays 3 rounds of  s to which E and W follow. Can you make the contract?

This hand is primarily about counting. Count the E hand: 7 cards in s, ( so W has a void), 3 cards in s and only 1 card in s, so leaving 2 cards in s, so the s break 2-2. Declarer still has a problem because the s block the suit .Lead 9 ro the A, play 9 from dummy and discard a from hand.(loser on loser). Ruff  the return and lead the last to dummy's K and run off the suit. Contract made