Playhand 41 Goulash

Board 41
South Deals
None Vul
Q 9 8 7 4
6 4
K 3 2
J 10 7
J 10 7 4
A K Q 9 8 6 5 4 3
A K J 10 6 5 3
9 8
Q 9 8 5
A K Q J 10 7 5 3 2
A 6

Mary kindly sent me this real freak hand, clearly a goulash hand, probably dealt in sevens!  S opens with a strong 4 before the days of  weak two bids in the majors, and weak 4 openings! W overcalls 5 and N and E pass (great restraint by E), S not to be outdone bids 5 , and W does not give up, bids 6 . S goes on to 6but can you make it after E leads A, and the K? Can you defeat 6 ?

Declarer wins the 2nd lead, plays AK,  A then runs all the to the last one. The 3 card ending squeezes both W and E.  W has to keep a master ♣ otherwise dummys ♣J wins so has to ditch aand declarer can  now ditch the J, because it has done its job. E also must ditch a to keep a master ♠, so declarer now has 2 winning  s for the contract.

The contract is beaten by E ruffing the A and cashing A!