Playhand 37

Board 37
South Deals
None Vul
A J 5 4 2
A 8 7 4
Q J 2
6 3
10 9 3 2
Q 6 3 2
K 7 5
10 8 7
J 5
K 10 9 8
10 9 6 4
K Q 9
K Q 6
J 7 5 4
A 8 3

The biddiung on this hand was expertly done

South playing a 12-15 pt no trump, opened 1NT

The bidding proceeded: S          N

                                      1NT          2a transfer to s

                                       3            4 ♠ a maximum with 3 good ♠s


The contract became 6   by South ,so can you make 12 trricks?. The lead amazingly was  5. What is we teach students, "try not to underlead aces or kings  defending a slam"

A fortunate lead, but you need to recognise that the best play is to take 3 ruffs in the long trump suit ( usually you ruff in the shorter trump suit)

So win first trick on dummy and cash A. Play 2 to the K,  and ruff a in dummy.Lead  J then a to the Q, lead another   and ruff in dummy, then a to the K, and ruff the last with the  A. Then a to your A,  to draw the last trump.

As it happens W is now squeezed in s and s, and so you end up making 13 tricks !!