PLayhand 35

Board 35
North Deals
None Vul
8 6
A K 10 7 5
8 4 3
A Q 9
Q J 10 7 5 3
9 6
Q 7
10 6 3
K 4
Q J 8 4 3
K 5
8 7 5 2
A 9 2
A J 10 9 6 2
K J 4

The contract is 3NT by South instaed of the superior 5 contract.. West leads Q and East unblocks his K which of course you duck, E returns his 4 which South ducks again and W wins and clears the suit. Can you make 9 tricks in notrumps? As an E-W pair can you defeat this contract?

Hold up the s winning the 3rd round. You cannot afford to let W in again, and it is obvious that are the key suit. So cross to dummy and lead a . If E plays K then let E win that trick. If E plays 5 , you play A and then play a second which E has to win. W cannot get in again. How to defeat the contract, E must throw away K on the third lead thus creatimg an entry to West's hand