Playhand 34

Board 34
South Deals
E-W Vul
A 3 2
8 7 5
8 2
A K Q 4 2
K Q 10 6 5 4
A Q 2
10 9 4
J 9
9 6 3
J 7 6 5 3
J 10 8
8 7
K J 10 4
9 7 6 5


South opens 1NT, and West overcalls 2. North then bids 3NT on the strength of the , but this is ambitious. The K is led and ducked in dummy, East playing the J. Undaunted West continued with Q and now its your turn. can you make 9 tricks ?


Well if s were 2-2 in the opponents hand there is no problem, but they break 3-1 so the suit is blocked. The solution is to duck the lead again, and then use the A to discard a from hand , so allowing 5 winners in the suit from dummy so making the contract