Playhand 31

Board 31
East Deals
None Vul
Q 10 9 6
J 5
A 6 5 3
K Q 7
10 9 8 3
K Q J 9
10 6 5 4 2
A K Q 7 6 2
A J 9 8 3
A K J 8 7 5 3 2
10 8 7 2

The bidding was dramatic. E opened 1, which unsurprisingly was overcalled 4. After 2 passes E then came in with 5 and S with no defensive values bid 5, and which was doubled, the final contract

Can you make 5 doubled against a lead from W of K.




W clearly thought that there are not many tricks to be had in partners suit,so lead from strength in

It is clear that s are the problem if E has a singleton. Win with A. Then from dummy lead 7 and ruff in hand when E plays the J. Return to dummy with a trump, and lead K. If E covers then ruff again, if E ducks then discard 4. Assuming E covers, then return to dummy by leading another trump and play the established Q discarding the 4. Now you are set up

Lead 5 from dummy and ruff, then return to dummy playing your 3rd trump lead, and lead J.and when E covers with Q, discard a from your hand. Now E has only s to play, so giving you a discard of another and a ruff with dummy's last trump. You just lose another so contract made.


In practice you will make this contract if you also discard a instead of the 4. Then lead you 4 and put up the J. East must win, and if E plays a second honour, you discard a . Then E only has s or s to lead and is endplayed giving a ruff and discard to avoid another loser. East has to lead a low towards Wests winning 9 or 10 to defeat you

A brilliant hand