Playhand 25

Board 25
South Deals
None Vul
7 6
8 4 2
K J 8 7 5
A K 5
K J 4 2
Q 7 5 3
9 6
10 9 8
10 8 5 3
10 9 6
Q J 7 4 2
A Q 9
A Q 10 4 2
6 3

The contract is 6 ,fairly easily reached once S chooses to open 2 instead of 2NT

The lead is the 10, so can you make 12 tricks?

There are two possible finesses and you only need one to succeed a 75% chance, However seeing all 4 hand you know this will fail. So win the first lead, and play 2 rounds of ♣s ruffing in hand, then eliminate s ending in dummy. Now lead a and just cover East's card. West must win and is endplayed. Should W return a you can discard a losing from dummy. If W plays a ♣ you can ruff and discard a ♥. Slam made.Those who take the finesse will fail!