Playhand 21

Board 21
West Deals
E-W Vul
J 7 5 3
10 8 2
K J 9
8 7 6
A 4 2
A 6 3
10 7 6
A K Q 9
J 9 7 5 4
Q 8 5 3
J 10 2
K Q 10 9 8
A 4 2
5 4 3


In Europe and USA most players open with a strong no-trump/ . West opens 1NT, announced as 16-18 pts.You as S boldly decide to overcall with 2 after N and E pass, because the vulnerability is favourable.

W leads top three s , then deciding to play a passive defence having seen S follow to these 3 tricks, Plays out A and A, followed by 2. Plan how you can best make your next 8 tricks

This hand is about counting West's points. Having shown already 17, W should not have the Q, so when on dummy lead J, and if E covers with the Q, then you have to lead towards dummy's A9, finessing for the 10 to make 8 tricks