Playhand 15

Board 15
North Deals
None Vul
A Q 9 2
A J 6
8 4
K 7 5 3
J 10 3
K 10 9 7 6
Q J 9 8
K 8 7 6 4
8 4 3
A Q J 2
K Q 10 9 7 2
5 3
A 6 4 2

North opens 1NT, and East overcalled 2. South then bids 3 and West bids 3

South wins the contract at 4♥, when North with a maximum for the opening bid of 1NT, raises to 4

West leads J, so plan the play.

Cover the opening lead with A, then lead 2 and ruff it. Draw 3 rounds of trumps ending on dummy. Now lead Q and throw away a from hand. ( loser on loser play). After losing two tricks in s, regain the lead and cross to dummy with K and use the established 9 to discard another , so contract made. If you do not do this then you have 4 losers altogether , two in both minor suits