Interesting Hand 33

This time it is also two hands but very contrasting fortunes for Declarer. Social bridge playing Chicago

Hand 1, both sides vulnerable,

Dealer picks A652 J6 A742 A53. No problem here, open 1NT announced as 12-14 pts. Next player doubled, and this was passed out. Unfortunately for Declarer, the dummy was 743 1082 853 9862, nearly a Yarborough. On the K lead, Declarer can only make 3 tricks, so defenders gained 1100. Even with a sophisticated defence to 1NT doubled, bidding at the two level is likely to cost even more when defenders double again. At duplicate in a good club this may well be a common score (we've all been there) but at Chicago its a large loss

Hand 2. Declarer fared much much better on this hand from a different social Chicago game

Dealer opened 1, the next player passed, and partner bid 2. West overcalled 3 and the dealer then bid 4. East not to be out done bid 5 (!) and the dealer then bid 5 which became the contract . the full hands are:

Board 33
North Deals
N-S Vul
A K Q 3 2
K Q J 8 2
J 6
J 7 6
K Q J 10 7 3
A 9 5
9 8 6 5
10 7 6 4
Q 10 9 3 2
10 9 8 5 4
4 2
K 8 7 5 4

A lot of players would say "I've only got 3 pts so I will pass", but S was more experienced and the 5 cards in opener's suit made a single raise worth while. There are 3 potential losers, but Declarer thought hard in the play. The lead 9 taken by the ace. Out came the s to discover the not very helpful break, so played only 2 rounds.Then decided to hope that the A is favourably placed and lead the J ( no point in doing that),not covered by the Q (why ever not) and declarer had a moment of inspiration. Realising that W is likely to hold the A, let it run.West played A, then A, then led the last to cut down any ruffs. Declarer is now home, losing only to the ace in each minor suit, so well done. A sacrifice of 6 would have been worth it, but unlikely in Chicago.

Two interesting comments though. Opener said "that she though about bidding 6, expecting more from partner". Also "if E had covered the J, she would have ducked because the K was bound to lose to the A". Maybe after the event perhaps. By the way 5 can make as well. On the A lead , ruff in dummy and lead a small to the A, then ruff another in dummy and lead Q, pinning the J and if not covered by the K, discarding a losing (loser on loser ?). If the K covers, ruff and lead your last J for dummy to ruff. The 10 can be used to discard a loser and if N ruffs it is with A

Rather a fortunate layout for N in 5 and for W if allowed to play in 5(probably doubled)