Interesting Hand 37

Using conventions can boost your bidding ability, but caution and judgement is always needed. Here is an example of a great use of a convention followed by poor judgement, which turned a potential good score into a bottom

West, the dealer opened 1 and my partner bid 2, which is the CRO convention showing in this case, two 5-card suits of the same colour, namely s and s. East passed, and I had a dilemma as the bid is forcing. I chose to bid 3 and was relieved when West bid 4! North now bid 4 which became the contract. Poor judgement, because partner has been forced to bid and may even only have 1 card in the suit. I played the hand badly . 4 can be only 1 off, but 4 is 2 off for -200, and 4 will fare even worse , when I double. So a bottom score. Let partner decide whethe to compete.

West Deals
E-W Vul
8 3
A 10 9 6 3
A K 9 8 2
A K J 10 5
Q J 7
K J 5 3
5 4 2
Q 7 6 5 4
Q 8 6 4
9 7 6 4 2
K 8
J 10
10 9 7 2