Interesting Hand 35

Many inexperienced players will often support openers minor suit even if they hold a four card major suit. This is especially true if the major suit does not contain an honour card. However watching some players recently I spotted this hand where they stopped in a game

Dealer opened 1 holding: KQ983 AJ6 A854 10

You hold as partner:AJ652 9 K106 AKQ8

The bidding went 1………….5 end. Not a good sequence by any means. Responder should have bid spades.

Bid this hand with your partner and tell us how you would bid these hands

The replies

There is a really important point withthis hand, and that is not to jump immediately with a strong responding hand. Eddie Cirket is writing an article on this and we will publish this on the website

Here are the replies

. The bidding would go 1 D by opening player, and my partner would respond 1 S. Then 2H by me and partner 3C (4th suit forcing), 3NT.

. 1D is the obvious opening bid, and partner should always bid 1S. My hand is not good enough for reverse bid of 2H, so I would bid 2D. From responders view a slam could be on if opener holds two aces, so 4NT (Blackwood) to 6D. After all 17 points as responder suggests a slam with the diamond holding

.We discussed the hand and considered a splinter bid of 4C (with a probable loosing trick count of 12.) however we decided exploring a major was best and so the bidding sequence would be 1D, 1S, 2D ( not quite strong enough to reverse), 4NT, 5C (3 key cards) we may bid 5NT asking for kings because if they have 2 the bid could then lead to 7 D.

However, either way and whatever the lead, it makes 7!!





We didn’t get there first time, though.

. 1 diamond. 4 clubs splinter (shows a singleton or void in the suit?)

4 hearts. 5. NT Josephine (grand slam force?)

7 diamonds, which says 2 of the top 3 honours in diamonds

However some will bid it

1 diamond. 1 spade

2 diamonds. 3 hearts but this is now probing for 3 NTs, but parter will read as 4 hearts

4 hearts. 6 diamonds

Far less sophisticated

I personally would splinter Immediately with such a super hand

. Partner opening 1 D, then I am going to show my suit so bid 1 S. When partner bids only 2D I am going to look for 3NT rather than 5D, but worried about the club suit. So I would bid 2H, with my 3 card suit. When partner bids 3NT I leave it.

.1D 1S

2D 4NT

5H 5NT

6D 7D

Partner opens 1D, I respond 1S, Partner bids 2 D showing 12 - 15 HCP, five diamonds but no support for spades. With 17 HCP and only 5 losers I ask for aces. When partner shows 2 aces I know we have 6 diamonds, and bid 5NT to ask for kings. When partner shows a king, I bid the slam but if partner denies a king, would be tempted to leave it at 6D

I asked 2 experienced players, now retired from the game to bid this hand, which they did using no modern conventions (They had been partners only occasionally in the past).Using only cue bids and basic Acol they bid this hand with brutal effiuciency, coupled with a small punt at the end thus:

1D 3S 4C 4D (described as a waiting bid) 4H 5C 5S 7D (I did gently suggest that they might have to fish for one of the top D honours)

I think that with modern conventions the grand slam would be bid with certainty by the route using splinters cue bids and a grand slam force by the route

1D, 4C (splinter), 4H, 4S, 5H, 5S, 5NT(Grand slam force), 7D