Playhand 10

All vulnerablr

A K 5
A K Q 7 2
8 4
K 10 2
Q 8 7
J 10 9 8 5
A J 6

This is the last hand in the local Chicago Charity Bridge drive and you already have a net score of more than 3000 pts . South opens 1 and you prcede quickly to 6 , hoping you have not missed a Grand slm in s. West leads a trump and East plays the 3. Can you make it against any distribution?

When players learn Bridge they soon learn about finessing but in general hardly use it. Later they tend to finesse at every opportunity. Experts look for alternative lines of play to avoid some finesses. You have a finesse in s and a two way finesse in s.which you must guess right if you lose the finesse. You can avoid this guess by, drawing trumps, cashing all the s and then playing A , and then leading the Q. It does not matter which opponent wins this trick, she either leads a , doing the finesse for you or leads another suit giving you a ruff in one hand and a discard of a

The symetry of the hand leads to this expert throw-in play